Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Singing Canary

This costume consists of stuff out of my "normal" closet, Loki's leggings, Black Widow's widowbite gloves and boots, my Colonial Warrior belt that is safety-pinned together currently, a brand new blonde wig I bought for a totally different character, and a leather mask that I threw together in a couple of hours last night. It's just a quick little outfit. I was just planning to walk around, have a few laughs, talk to people, chill. Nothing stressful, nothing major. No contests, no vending, no really heavy business stuff today.

I figured it was a basic enough outfit to be mostly overlooked, and that was totally fine with me. I was so pleasantly surprised by the many people who either guessed my character right, or made a good effort. But then I start to get asked if I'm entering the cosplay contest. What? I'm not wearing a cosplay! I'm barely wearing anything! Last year, I spent every con with thirty tons of resin horns perched on my head while draped with robes of pleather, velveteen, and half-encased in craft foam armor. I'm used to being sweaty and unable to effectively move most of my body in cosplays. How can I enter a cosplay contest in a denim jacket and a pair of leggings?

But the lady practically shoved the sign-up sheet in my hand, so I signed up anyway. What the heck. I've always had fun getting on stage in-character. Probably most people wouldn't have signed up for a contest with a closet cosplay of a character they only had a passing familiarity with due to Netflix binge nights...but I'm not most people, I guess.

So there I was after the first round of judging (where I stumbled through the questions like "what was your favorite scene with your character" and considering I can barely remember the weekends I stayed up till 3 am watching said Netflix binge...I guess I did ok). I stood there, just 30 seconds from getting on stage, and suddenly realize I'm about to get on stage. I need to do more than stand there and look pretty.

"I'm gonna sing!" I blurt to the sound guy.


Apparently, Black Canary sings now. The first verse of "I'll Follow You Into The Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie because that was literally the first thing that popped into my head. Apparently, this doesn't paralyze the audience, because there was applause.

I didn't win anything (which was fine, to be honest I would have felt really weird winning anything WITH A CLOSET COSPLAY and an impromptu a Capella concert) but the girl standing next to me in line told me that I have a lovely voice. So that was awesome!