Sunday, February 1, 2015

Loki in the Snow Photoshoot

Loki found snow and got so excited his hair fluffed out

Two photoshoots in two days! I am just enjoying myself way too much!

I woke up to a bright white winter wonderland outside, so naturally my first instinct was to get dressed in my Loki costume and go tromp footprints in all the fresh powder lying tantalizingly everywhere.

I honestly thought that would last about 2 seconds before I would be running back inside for blankets and hot cocoa, given that my costume is not exactly designed for winter weather. I was worried that I would ruin my boots in the snow. But the costume performed beautifully. I didn't even get that cold.

Oh Thooorrr, I have something for you...

Action shot

I really put it to the test...

That'snow angel.

Dashing through the snow
The full version read "Loki is Better Than Thor"
It had just really been a long time since I went and ran around in the snow for no reason besides skiing. 

Epic shot.
And I think Loki really enjoyed getting outside. 
I love this costume.

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